Method for collection of nasopharyngeal swab specimens
1. Nasal swab collection method:
(1) Put the swab in normal saline and wet it.
(2) Measure the distance from the nostril to the root of the ear with a swab and mark it with the finger
(3) Insert the swab into the nostril in the direction perpendicular to the nose (face) as shown in Figure 1, until the finger touches the nose, hold the swab in the nose for 15-30 seconds, then gently rotate it 3 times.
(4) Put the swab into the virus transport medium, break the swab and place it completely in the tube.
(5) Tighten the pipe cover, mark it well, and put it in a plastic bag to seal it well
(6) If collection from both nostrils is required, one swab should be used for each nostril.
(7) Store at 4℃ or on ice (short-term storage).
2. Collection method of pharyngeal swab
(1) Please gargle with normal saline first.
(2) Wet the swab in sterile saline (no penicillin, in case the patient is allergic) (a wet swab will collect more cells than a dry swab). Do not put the swab into virus transport culture to wet the swab!
(3) With the assistance of a tongue depressor, the examiner will cross the tongue base to the lesions in the isthmus and apply the throat swab repeatedly for several times (refer to Figure 2). When removing the swab, avoid touching the tongue and oral mucosa, etc.
(4) Put the swab into the virus transport medium, break the swab and place it completely in the tube.
(5) Tighten the pipe cover, mark it well, and put it in a plastic bag to seal it well
(6) Store at 4℃ or on ice (short-term storage).