Fruit Potato Clock
Gelsonlab HSPEN-045 Fruit Potato Clock for Electrochemical Cells Potato battery clock demonstration clock to use in the science classroom
To demonstrate the principle electrochemical cells. This digital clock runs on potatoes, oranges, plants, soda etc. The acid in the material reacts with the electrodes to produce low voltage current. You can experiment with different items to observe what happens. Color of the body may vary. A potato battery is an electrochemical battery, or an electrochemical cell in which a chemical reaction occurs in a liquid between two different metals. When a wire is placed to connect the metals, it carries an electrical current. An electrochemical cell converts chemical energy to electric energy. This Fruit Potato Clock has two compartments designed to hold potatoes or fruit. Two coils (one red and one blue) are inserted into a different potato while the green coiled wire is connected to both potatoes. This will then make the clock start working. This is an excellent demonstration clock to use in the science classroom!